Name: Caity Rose

Based in: Manitoba, Canada

Occupation: Marketing and content creator

Instagram: @caityxrose

Gets inspired by: Being in nature and around my loved ones 


Hello Caity! Big welcome to A Sustainable Closet! We are so happy to have you here. Tell us about yourself?

Hi! Thank you for having me! I live in a small town in Canada with my husband and our two cats. I love Jesus, a good latte and am constantly learning new skills and hobbies.


We are so curious about your career and how you reached the point where you are today?

It’s a long story so I’ll keep it brief! My gateway into sustainability was actually thrifting. This was something my grandma and I did together a lot when I was growing up. Most of my clothes were second-hand. As I got older I heard the words “ethical” and “sustainable” thrown around when it came to thrifting and I fell down a rabbit hole of learning to live more sustainably. That’s why I started my blog, to document my journey and encourage and show others they can as well.


Where do you find your daily outfit inspiration? 

I’m constantly saving cute outfits on Instagram and Pinterest. Pinterest is my go to when I’m not sure how to style a piece in my closet.


What is your relationship with clothes, how do you consume your clothes?

My relationship with clothes has been all over the place. As I mentioned, I grew up mostly on second-hand clothes but as soon as I was old enough to have my own income I was buying all the fast fashion I could. After I watched the documentary “The True Cost” I started to see clothing in a whole new light. To see them as investments to last for years. That’s how I like to consume clothes now. I take my time to see if a piece would be a good fit in my wardrobe and make sure I’ll like it in 2 years.


What favourite stores and brands to shop from?

Other than thrift stores, some of my favourite ethical brands are Tradlands, LA Relaxed, and Mate the Label.


Favourite material to wear?

Definitely linen and organic cotton.


What do you think about the fashion industry in general?

I think the way the traditional fashion industry is set up is still very toxic. Fast fashion brands are still too comfortable with exploitation and greenwashing.


You are Canadian and based in Canada, do you feel like Canadians are becoming more sustainable in their daily lives or how is the mindset over there?

I feel like this has a lot to do with where you live. Being in a small, more rural town there is still a lot of pushback and people not wanting to put in the effort. But we did have a lovely refill store open up which we are so lucky to have and Canada’s national single-use plastic ban is coming into effect later this year so that’s exciting to see.


Describe what fashion is for you, in tree words:

Expression, inspiring and fun!


