Based in: Berlin but an online store

Founded in: 2022

Founded by: Natalie

Store: Online only

Price range: 2,50€ - 120€



Hello! What is Bohemian Botanicals and why did you start your own store? 

Bohemian Botanicals is a Spiritual Self Love Store created with the intention to help you find a deeper spiritual connection to yourself through radical self-love. After being diagnosed with a benign brain tumour in 2019, it took a long time for me to heal physically and mentally from the surgery and the whole situation (still ongoing), and I found myself questioning everything in my life. That’s when I started frequently using crystals and smudging tools to help me find myself again. I found these tools to be incredibly helpful which is where the idea came for starting an online store. I thought “If these tools can help me, then maybe then can help someone else”. It is an act of self-love, to take care of oneself, which then ripples out into the world. As you start to feel good again, you want to help others and of course the planet - it’s all connected. 

Since then, my small businesses have expanded to include organic skincare, books & oracle cards, and vintage interiors & jewellery; as well as a new Sacred Massage Ceremony all centred on self-love & spiritual growth.


Can you please tell us more about your products, such a lovely mix between jewellery, zero-waste items and spiritual guidance, where you source your items and choose what to sell?

Each item has been carefully hand-picked by me with the intention to serve you at your highest potential, whilst also caring for the planet. Each vintage item is one of a kind and I believe that the item you are most drawn to is a signal from your higher self that it is something which will empower you. The same intention is behind the books, oracle cards, crystals and smudging tools. They really helped me during that difficult time and therefore I wanted to share these gifts with all who may be in need of a deeper self-love connection and spiritual guidance.

I chose to sell vintage items as I believe that we have a plethora of beautifully produced, historical items all over the world and that there is no need for me to contribute to mass production by producing more. I care deeply about our planet and believe that simplicity is key. I will only work with businesses that share these values. 

I chose to work with Bluem & Embodybee because I was sick of having bad skin reactions to “normal” skincare products found in the local chemist or drugstore. I have very sensitive skin and found that the mainstream beauty industry was too harsh for my skin. 

I came across Bluem back when they first launched about two years ago and was immediately drawn to Montana’s (founder) warm energy and felt strongly aligned with her core principles and values. Bluem is simple clean skincare which cares for the planet. Their Finger Lime & Kakadu Plum serums dramatically healed my skin and I continue to use them every day. I love the simple two step routine, the Konjak sponge and soaps, all produced sustainably in Australia and packaged almost plastic-free (only a tiny amount of plastic on the bottle top). The bottles are made of glass with a silicon pipette and are shipped in paper and cardboard. 

I discovered Embodybee earlier this year and was blown away by Emily’s (founder) energy and deep love for her bees. She learned how to care for bees when working with Save the Bees Australia and has since built her own bee home out in nature where she makes all of her products. Her skincare products are all handmade, organic and packaged almost 100% plastic free (just the sellotape and bottle top pumps have a small amount of plastic). All items are shipped in paper and cardboard. I’ve been using her Cleopatra Cleanser, Honeyed Lip Balm, Miracle Balm (as body moisturiser) and Sunscreen for the last few weeks and absolutely love them! 

It’s important for me to try all products before sharing them with my community as I want to know if they actually work and help my skin. There is so much greenwashing out there, I don’t want to be a part of that. I want to be able to help those struggling with troubled skin and not waste their money.

I also am aware of my carbon footprint and try to keep it to a minimum which is why I keep all of the packagings to reuse when shipping my products to help keep the cycle going. Recycling is a very important part of my business and I kindly ask my customers to reuse the packaging again before simply discarding it. I also try to keep my prices low so that as many people as possible can benefit from using them. For example, I pay the import taxes from Australia so that my customers don’t have to! I also offer free shipping for orders over 100€ within Germany and free EU shipping for orders over 150€. I also offer a pickup service in Berlin for those who would like to save on delivery costs.


Sustainable and spiritual living can sometimes go hand in hand but sometimes "spiritual items" can make us consume more, what is your take on his subject and how do you navigate?

I can’t comment on other companies intentions, I can only tell you what is behind Bohemian Botanicals, and that is: I want to help as many people as possible connect deeper to their self love and love of the planet, which is the intention behind every item I offer on my shop. One could argue that vintage jewellery & interiors are not very “spiritual” but I believe that everyone is different and what brings you joy and makes your soul happy might not be the same for your friend/neighbour/colleague etc and that is ok. We are all different humans, living a different human experience and whatever is meant for you will come your way.


Where are your customers based and who are they?

My customers are based all over the world, mainly female however the products are of course for all genders.


Where can one get one of your beautiful items? 

You can find all of our offerings online at:


What do you think need human needs to wake up and be more caring of each other and planet Earth?

Absolutely! That is the whole ethos behind Bohemian Botanicals! We need radical self love for ourselves and the planet!


For everyone who is new to conscious living, what are some of the rituals and items you would recommend to start with for a living where you're more in tune with within?

When I was going through that dark period with my health, I found daily meditation with crystals, yoga with incense and spending as much time in nature as possible an absolute must! The crystals helped me focus during meditation as their high frequency helped me to match them. Lighting incense brought me immediately into a different mindset, allowing me to connect deeper to my body during yoga/stretching. Being out in nature grounded me and allowed me time to think and reflect and be grateful for all that I have in life.


