Name: Kelsey Dech

Occupation: Content Marketing Manager 

Based in: Vancouver, BC Canada

Instagram: @kelseyy_d


Hi Kelsey! Welcome to A Sustainable Closet! Can you please tell us more about yourself and your relationship with clothes? 

Hi! My name is Kelsey (she/her) and I'm a 30-something gal living in beautiful Vancouver, BC Canada. For as long as I can remember, I've always loved fashion and all that comes with it. When I was little (4-6 years old), I'd dress up in my Granny's best pearls and heels and I insisted on wearing them out, no matter where we were headed. My parents even have the photos to prove it!


Have you always been interested in clothes or when did you get into fashion? 

Like I said, for as long as I can remember, fashion has been an interest of mine. From shopping and knowing how clothes were made to browsing glossy fashion magazines and watching runway shows, I was really fascinated by all aspects of the fashion industry. 


How come you became interested in sustainable fashion? 

I've been working in various sectors of the fashion industry for over five years now and it wasn't until I was in my late 20s that I began to really take note of the massive amount of waste that was taking place in the fashion industry as a whole. It was then that I started to educate myself about the various issues (greenwashing, garment worker rights, production costs etc.) through books, videos and other mediums. I learned a lot (and continue to) and because of that, living a more sustainable lifestyle has become a key value of mine.


How would you describe your personal style? 

This is always such a tough question as I think my personal style is constantly evolving. I feel I have a few different archetypes or style personas if you will but if I were to rule it down to just a. brief statement, I would describe my personal style as confident, intriguing, adaptable and elevated.


Can you tell us more about Naura Thrift, what's the story behind the store?

How Naura Thrift came to be was due to a number of reasons. Back in 2019, I had recently started a new job that wasn't within the fashion industry and I was finding that my creative juices and love for fashion just weren't being fulfilled in the same way it used to be. Simultaneously, I had started doing some personal shopping for the odd friend or family member who wanted to add more secondhand pieces to their wardrobe but they didn't know where to go nor did they necessarily have the time. All of that, combined with my knowledge of sustainable fashion, led me to want to do something to promote shopping secondhand. No matter how big or small that "thing" was. 


What are your best tips for people who want to stop buying fast fashion and start buying second-hand, how can one think? 

First off, I think it's almost near impossible to just stop buying fast fashion altogether. Or at least cut it out cold turkey. If you want to do better by the environment and switch to shopping secondhand, I would first start by visiting your local thrift stores and charity shops before you head to the mall or browse Amazon. If you want to start buying secondhand then you need to prioritize it and this is one way that has really worked for me. Also, it's important to go easy on yourself during this transition. Give yourself a little grace. You'll enjoy the process much more and I really do think that the likeliness of a new habit sticking is far greater if you allow yourself the room to make a mistake or two. 


