Based in: UK

Founded in: 2018

Founded by: Tiffany Chiu

Shop at: Shipping worldwide but also have products in a few selected stores across the UK

Price range: £21 - £75


Hello, what is the story behind JulieMay, why did you start it?
JulieMay was founded by Tiffany Chiu when her mother, Julie, started to experience new skin irritations after the birth of her second daughter. Tiffany decided she was going to step out of her law degree at Edinburgh University and design a line of lingerie to help her mother and all women who experience skin sensitivities and allergies, as there was nothing available anywhere. JulieMay was born from the love of a daughter and has grown into an incredible community of women.


One of your key pillars has been creating clothes good for the skin, in what ways are conventional clothes harmful and what is so important about our underwear?

Most clothes these days are made with synthetic fibers which are not only often toxic for your body but extremely harmful to the environment. From the oil processing to washing in your machine they release microplastics and harmful chemicals. We use organic pima cotton and pure mulberry peace silk for all of our garments. This makes them breathable, non-toxic, moisture-wicking and kinder to the planet. We operate in small batches dying to reduce water waste and work with small independent farmers.

When you are keeping clothes so close to the skin and in your most intimate areas it is important to think about the biological effect of this. Our silk-lined nickers offer a naturally antibacterial gusset which helps to reduce infections as it is naturally breathable. Our bras are organic cotton and lined with silk which is gentle on the breast and allows for any moisture to pass through rather than being trapped against the skin. That can lead to rashes, infections and irritation.


How are your clothes produced, and what are your sustainability practices and commitments?
All of our products are made by our talented seamstresses in our exclusive factory in Hong Kong. All of our workers from factory workers to office workers are paid a living wage as we believe that this is the basis for any healthy, Fairtrade business. Our raw materials are sourced locally from farmers and processed in small batches to reduce energy and water consumption. We keep an evergreen range of products as we prioritize perfection in each style instead of meeting season deadlines for a new drop every quarter. This way we don't have any product that is no longer suitable to be sold for a second season, which is often the way fast fashion brands operate when they have hundreds or even thousands of styles every three months.

While our process is ethical and sustainable, we also support several giveback communities and sustainability schemes such as Uncommon Threads which provides clothing and styling for women in the U.S.A.'s poorest state, Massachusetts, to help them claim back their confidence. We have recently partnered with The Bra Recyclers who take bras donations of second hand bras and distribute them to girls in schools and women who are living in underwear poverty. This is something many of us would never even consider and yet some people simply don't have the given luxury that we do.

We have several charities that we support that help with reforestation, plastic pollution and helping rural communities in Malawi have safe, effective cooking stoves. You can read more about all of these amazing foundations here:


Who are you designing for and what are the main aspects behind your design?

The brand was designed for women with skin allergies and sensitivities such as eczema and psoriasis. In recent years, we have seen that our products are ideal for menopausal women due to their natural fibres and quality of support which has resulted in an incredibly strong community of mid-life women. All the elastic is double wrapped in pima cotton so as not to cause a reaction for people with allergies to it. We use plastic fasteners rather than nickel, no harsh chemicals in the manufacturing process, no synthetic fibres touching the skin. We use thick straps and bands to reduce pulling and to increase support for women with bigger chests, and we also double wrap the underwire, so it is more durable and doesn’t dig less.


Where are most of your customers based?
40% UK 40% USA 20% Australia, Canada and the rest of the world.


What feedback do you get from your customers?
Many women who find our brand let us know that they are so impressed with the quality of the items and that they are so grateful we are doing what we are doing. Many say they haven't been able to wear a bra or nickers for years due to sensitive skin and the relief and confidence they feel after finding one that doesn't irritate them is revolutionary.


What do you think is needed to make the fashion industry more sustainable?

I believe that making quality garments with people’s needs and differences in mind will make products less disposable and more of a conscious choice. Clothing today is so cheap that it does not invoke conscious purchasing. When something has taken a lot of time and consideration to be made, it is reflected in the price. This means that unfortunately, as this is not the standard practice anymore, it is not easily accessible to everyone. Having said that, if you invest in quality over quantity, items you truly love, that you bought with conscience, the price easily levels out, and you won't find yourself looking for a fashion fix every couple of weeks.


What's happening next?
We are excited about our new sleepwear collection along with a new boxer brief style. We have had this in the works for some time and are excited to be able to bring out a highly requested new line. We are constantly working on spreading awareness of both our brand but also what we are doing in the world of destigmatization around menopause, skin diseases and ethical and sustainable apparel. Furthermore, we hope to continue our work at building confidence and shattering taboos. We have our very first event coming up on the 10th of November '23 which is a great step for us here at JulieMay. We are excited to be hosting an intimate menopause event where we discuss, learn and get to know more about how to care for yourself and the others in your life when they are going through menopause. We hope this will be the beginning of many to come.

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